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BitFractal - AI for Business Made Simple

Companies of all sizes trust BitFractal to accelerate their business through easy AI adoption to bring their global teams together, scale up voice productions with reliability and security

AI Voiceover (Text-To-Speech)

Give voice to your ideas with Text-to-Speech AI Voiceovers

Use AI to create professional audio segments using 330+ neural voices across 129 languages and variants, or create your own personalized synthetic voices, combined to the incomparable productivity and collaboration of Microsoft Teams.

Add Neural translation and the power of OpenAI and ChatGPT to build voice projects even faster. 

Boosting Productivity with AI, ChatGPT and Microsoft 365

To empower our customers and bring them unmatched productivity, powered by the latest AI technologies, BlueHive partnered with BitFractal to bring the best of AI, ChatGPT and Azure Cognitive technologies to business users on Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 to boost productivity and collaboration like never before.

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BitFractal TTS

Made for Microsoft 365 and Teams

The BitFractal App was designed in partnership with Microsoft and certified to run on Microsoft 365, Outlook, and Teams, to meet users where they are while benefiting from the enhanced productivity of Office 365 and Teams and the security and reliability of Azure with integrated Single-Sign-On (SSO).

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BitFractal for Microsoft Teams
BitFractal for Microsoft 365
BitFractal for Microsoft Outlook

Quickly build voice projects for marketing, blog posts, e-learning, ads, IVRs, and more...

Connecting with customers or an audience through voice creates proximity and better engagement results, but doing this in a consistent way across different channels can be challenging for organizations that must rely on costly studios, professional recordings and multiple back and forth to make a project succeed. With BlueHive and BitFractal, human-like voice clips can be generated simply and as many times as needed, using Neural AI Voices with different styles, genders, languages and profiles that becomes your company's brand for internal and external contents. 

Cloud-based Software-as-a-Service Solution 

Born in the cloud using the best of AI to deliver a solution for individuals or companies with simplicity. No installations or downloads required.

AI Cognitive Services

Backed by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services and OpenAI, BitFractal delivers neural voices clips that can be customized with speaking styles to produce professional content that looks just like humans. 

Collaboration and Productivity

BitFractal runs on Microsoft Teams and M365 to add and enhance collaboration and productivity for the entire organization while building voice projects.

Meet users where they are

BitFractal was designed to be available for all users in their flow of work. As an App, a bot, as part of a team chat, or as collaborative tab on a channel. BitFractal is wherever the user is.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Deliver a successful IVR project in 3 simple steps

1. Contact BlueHive

2. We scope your project at no cost

3. Your project starts 


We're also available over the phone: +1 (321) 341-3349
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